As an archer, your main weapon is the bow. But it is also a good idea to take a page from the historical archers book and always arm yourself with a secondary weapon as well, just in case your enemies happen to get too close for comfortable archery. That is why Medieval Archery offers a selection of swords, daggers, and axes - so that you can arm yourself properly and stay safe no matter what range your foes decide to attack you from! Arming swords and Viking swords are two of our more common blades in this section, as both are one-handed weapons that were light and easy to carry, yet devastatingly effective when placed into skilled hands. We also offer a few hand and a half swords, better known as bastard swords, to suit the archer who wants options with their melee weapon. We also carry a variety of different of short blades, varying between classic medieval daggers and more traditional hunting knives. This ensures that reenactors can have their preferred short blades, and modern-day archers and hunters can have a dagger to suit their needs too. And for that unique archer who wants something a bit more non-traditional, we offer a handful of hand axes and battle axes to add to your armory as well. A secondary weapon can sometimes save an archers life, and they make for great training tools if you decide to expand from historic archery into medieval swordplay. If nothing else, a sword, dagger, or axe from Medieval Archery helps add some authenticity to your medieval look, while also adding some intimidation to your overall look as well.
Fans of medieval blade replicas are sure to appreciate the expert craftsmanship evident in the Agincourt War Sword. Forged by experienced master smiths, the striking functional sword is made from tough 1065 high carbon steel.
On the medieval battlefield, a commander tried to keep their archers away from the front lines. The best of plans can go awry, though, and many archers carried at least a dagger, like this Archers Dagger, to use for defense in melee.
The sword of the medieval knight was the arming sword, although this Arming Broad Sword offers a subtle variation on that classic blade. As its name implies, this blade is a bit broader, lending it a more intimidating and powerful form.
The design of the arming sword is so efficient that it even works in miniature! This Arming Dagger is a perfect reduction of the classic sword that proves how smaller size does not necessarily make a weapon weaker or less useful!
For the times when a sword could not be carried, a knight could always depend on having his Arming Dagger with Scabbard close at hand. Like its cousin, this dagger excels in combat, featuring a shape that is designed to be versatile.
By the 14th century, the classical view of the knights sword took shape in the arming sword. This Arming Sword with Scabbard demonstrates exactly why, as its pronounced taper and tip make this blade a quick yet devastating weapon.
The Arming Sword with Scabbard is a replica of the sword that became the traditional weapon of the knight, before the longsword. The weapon is a single-handed sword with a broad blade designed for cutting, slashing, and thrusting.
By the 14th century, the classical view of the knights sword took shape in the arming sword. This Arming Sword with Scabbard and Belt demonstrates why, as its pronounced taper and tip make this blade a quick, devastating weapon.
The Bearded Axe Head is ideal for creating your own Viking warrior weapon. Add your own wooden haft through the socket of this bearded axe blade. This historical axe head is handcrafted from steel and has been tempered for toughness.
Perfect for re-enactors, collectors, or modern warriors, the Bosworth Long Sword serves as an excellent historical sword replica and battle ready blade. The medieval long sword looks stunning and feels great to use.
From a ranger in the forest to a knight on the battlefield, the Classic Medieval Sword suits a variety of medieval warriors. This sword is ideal for medieval reenactments with its historical design.
As part of the Windlass Battlecry collection, the Crecy War Dagger possesses a no-nonsense double edge blade that is slight, light, and quick, well suited for facing both armored and unarmored foes during your next historical adventure.